Visible Light Communication-based Localization and Path-planning


For mobile robots and position-based services, such as healthcare service, precise localization is the most fundamental capability while low-cost localization solutions are with increasing need and potentially have a wide market. A low-cost localization solution based on a novel Visible Light Communication (VLC) system for indoor environments is proposed in this video.



A number of modulated LED lights are used as beacons to aid indoor localization additional to illumination. A Gaussian Process(GP) is used to model the intensity distributions of the light sources. A Bayesian localization framework is constructed using the results of the GP, leading to precise localization. Path-planning is hereby feasible by only using the GP variance field, rather than using a metric map. Dijkstra’s algorithm-based path-planner is adopted to cope with the practical situations. We demonstrate our localization system by real-time experiments performed on a tablet PC in an indoor environment.


Autonomous Driving